If I was famous, I'd probably get every girl I wanted.. but I wouldn't want them. I'd go for a regular girl anyday... one that will appreciate the blessings we have and not take red bottoms for granted.
If I was famous they'd probably come running, non-stop phone ringing... but I wouldn't pick up to them, I'd go for a regular girl anyday... one that will pick up the phone in her sleep, one that will call me just to say, "I saw something that reminded me of you & I'm still smiling, I just wanted to hear your voice."
Regular women are heaven scent... What is regular? formed, built, arranged, or ordered according to some established rule, law, principle, or type. Now add a woman to that! A Regular Woman aint so regular when you focus on the root.

If I was famous they'd probably come running, non-stop phone ringing... but I wouldn't pick up to them, I'd go for a regular girl anyday... one that will pick up the phone in her sleep, one that will call me just to say, "I saw something that reminded me of you & I'm still smiling, I just wanted to hear your voice."
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