How much do you have to believe that you can make it? Nobody knows! They say its all about who you know BUT what if you really have to be "crazy" to make your dreams come true?
Are You Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement to make you dreams come true?
adj. cra·zi·er, cra·zi·est
1. Affected with madness; insane.
2. Informal Departing from proportion or moderation, especially:
a. Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement.
b. Immoderately fond; infatuated.
c. Intensely involved or preoccupied.
d. Foolish or impractical; senseless.
Now let me rephrase the question? Pay attention to the words... what if you really have to be "crazy" to make your dreams come true?
Are You Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement to make you dreams come true?
Are you infatuated about your dreams coming true?
Are you Intensely involved to make your dreams reality?
Are you being foolish or impractical about your dreams because you're not putting in the work to make you dreams come true?
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