My friend told me yesterday that our friend who is a black male received a teaching position over a young lady that was white. He said the young lady was very mad because she did not understand how he got the job over her, after all, they attended the same college, have had classes together, knew some of the same people and she even had time to observe him. So she had her reasons as to why she felt she deserved it over him. I asked my friend, was the young lady cum lade in her class? Did she attend middle school or high school within the community? Then I informed him that our friend is better qualified for the job, its that simple. He said, she did receive top scholar honors, then I said well, well, well, so did he!

Walk with me for a minute... when I was a substitute special education teacher in the same community schools that both of them applied for, I was praised for my hard work, demeanor, poise but mostly because the color of my skin. I was told by one of the teachers to make sure I inform my friends on the importance of black male teachers within that particular school system. Times have definitely changed. 

                                            EMBRACE CHANGE, DONT HATE IT.
