Survival Mode vs Strive Mode

You think if we start supporting the people we know, caring about the neighbors around us, giving to our communities (not just money) and teaching instead of dismissing a lost cause that the world might just be a bit better. No shit we can't control the world but we can control the world around us.

I get pissed knowing that the tough people that stood for something was either murdered, assassinated, incarcerated, violated or blackballed. So many fall in that field that it hurts because the people that were in their circles were mostly the ones to help hand them over to wolves. * Marinate *

Survival Mode:
Something or someone that manages to continue or exist in spite of difficult circumstances.

Strive Mode:
If you strive to do something or strive for something, you make a great effort to do it or get it.

Dissecting Survival vs Strive begins with its roots. The words you associate with the two may help differentiate which mode is the better to implement, apply and succeed upon.

Freidrich Nietzsche said it first and DMX brought it to the light when he stated “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering.” The real means of truth is allowing the suffering to speak... my question is how long must one endure before survival is no longer the ladder?

You'll find character in surviving but one can't continue throughout life in survival mode, "troubles don't last always."

When you strive, you'll struggle... if you stay in survival mode you'll struggle forever.
